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combat bloating foods in san diego

Beating the Bloat

Does protein make you gassy? Do potatoes cause gas to build up in your system? If you experience bloating and gas after eating certain foods, you have probably learned to get around the problem by avoiding those foods. But what if there were foods that actually worked against bloat? There actually are foods and vitamins that help with bloating, and we have some information about them that you need to know.

Is Gas and Bloating Normal?

To some extent, gas and bloating are a normal part of the digestive process. When food in your small intestine is not fully digested, good bacteria in your gut cause it to ferment. Eating too much fiber, not drinking enough water, and eating gas producing foods can all increase the gas in your system. You can also become gassy when you swallow too much air by chewing gum, eating too quickly, or drinking through a straw. Reducing gas, then, is often a matter of drinking plenty of water, eating slowly, and eating foods that reduce gas while avoiding foods that increase it. Exercising regularly can also help prevent gas

Conditions that Increase Gas and Bloating

Sometimes, gas and bloating are a sign of an underlying problem. Food allergies and intolerances, often involving dairy, gluten, and sugar, can contribute to excessive bloating and gas. However, if you remove inflammatory foods, drink more water, and make other lifestyle changes to reduce gas, and it persists, you may have an underlying health issue.

  • Small intestinal overgrowth (SIBO): When bacteria from the large intestine and colon overgrow and colonize the small intestine, fermenting undigested carbohydrates, this can cause a buildup of hydrogen or methane gas. To treat this problem, you’ll need to restore your gut’s natural balance and eliminate the overgrowth.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): This is a bit of a catchall term for digestive issues, and about 50 percent of people are misdiagnosed with IBS when they actually have SIBO. For the other 50 percent, an amino acid called L-Glutamine and a low-FODMAP diet can help with IBS symptoms.

Foods that Reduce Bloating and Gas

Sometimes, determining which foods cause you to feel bloated and gassy can be a bit of a puzzle. For instance, you may have noticed that eating certain leafy greens, like kale and Brussels sprouts, can result in gastrointestinal distress, but does spinach cause gas? It might surprise you to learn that spinach is actually a gas-reducing food. Check out this list of foods that reduce bloating and gas to learn more.

  • Spinach: A rich source of magnesium, it’s an excellent food for preventing gas. That’s because magnesium synthesized protein and activates digestion-aiding enzymes.
  • Celery: because of its extremely high water content and high levels of potassium, celery helps with water retention and bloating. What’s more, the insoluble fiber in celery can regulate both constipation and diarrhea.
  • Ginger: Ginger has been used for thousands of years to treat digestive issues, and it provides gas and bloating relief by accelerating stomach emptying and enhancing motility.
  • Cucumber: Cucumbers have a flavonoid called quercetin, which can reduce inflammation and gastrointestinal swelling.
  • Bananas: Bananas contain potassium, which helps maintain fluid balance. Bananas also contain resistant starch, which can combat constipation and reduce the trapped gas involved in bloating.

Gas-Reducing Supplements

In addition to the foods on that list, there are also supplements you can try to help reduce your symptoms of gas and bloating. Probiotics, a beneficial type of bacteria, are known to improve IBS symptoms like bloating, gas, and abdominal distension. Peppermint oil also decreases symptoms of IBS, and cinnamon oil reduces inflammation and decreases digestive distress. Vitamin D can reduce bloating, and so can taking digestive enzymes in supplement form. Psyllium, a fiber derived from an herb grown in South Asia, Europe, and North America, adds bulk to stools and reduces intestinal inflammation, decreasing bloating.

Treating the Whole Person

At Advanced Functional Medicine, an integrated medical clinic, we exclusively practice functional medicine. A full functional medicine approach to healing uses a comprehensive diagnostic screening to get to the root of a patient’s issues. Our whole body approach to medicine utilizes all-natural, researched-based nutritional approaches to optimize the body’s natural healing abilities, rather than just using medication to treat symptoms. Each individual receives unique and customized care, formulated based on the latest scientific resource, and we have a 96 percent success rate in patient outcomes. As a medically driven, patient-focused health clinic, we support our patients’ individual health goals, providing natural relief for symptoms of chronic factors and expert guidance about the decisions affecting a patient’s long-term health. It is our goal to help reverse chronic disease without resorting to dangerous or unnecessary drugs or surgical interventions, promoting healing from the inside out, in its truest, healthiest form. To schedule an appointment or learn more about how we can help restore your health and strengthen your body’s unique physiological functions, call 858-500-5572 or contact us through our website.