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Female Reproductive Healthcare

in San Diego

Advanced Functional Medicine provides holistic treatments and solutions for female reproductive health and beyond in San Diego, CA, and surrounding areas. Women’s health is an essential but often overlooked aspect of our society. Many women experience challenges and obstacles when getting accurate diagnoses or education about their health. This can make them feel misunderstood or that their practitioner doesn’t care about their well-being or safety. Our team emphasizes the entire mind and body rather than addressing surface symptoms, providing complete care for females. Whether the root cause of your condition is related to your hormones, metabolism, digestive system, mental health, or another underlying issue, we’ll provide the comprehensive care you need to thrive.


Wide-Ranging Treatments for Common Female Health Issues

Women’s health is a vast field, covering numerous specialties and focus areas necessary for comprehensive wellness. Each woman’s health journey is unique, requiring individualized approaches considering their needs and conditions. Our treatments and solutions are designed to address the unique health issues and concerns women face. From making lifestyle changes to preparing for pregnancy and birth, we aid and advise females on improving and maintaining health for the following aspects and problems:


Nutritional planning and lifestyle support.


Preparing the body for conception


Techniques for anxiety, depression, and stress management during pregnancy.


Care during pre- and post-natal phases and pregnancy.


Preventative services for female cancer, including breast, ovarian, and cervical cancers.


Women’s sexual health, including issues with sexual anatomy, reproductive health, and fertility.


Urinary tract infections (UTIs).


Pelvic pain and discomfort during menstrual cycles.


Menopause and midlife guidance and support.


Treating the Root Causes of Female Health Issues

We focus on addressing the root causes of female health issues to improve our patient’s overall health and quality of life. Modern life bombards us with toxins, chemicals, and hormone disruptors. These factors can significantly affect how we feel and appear. Our dedicated team focuses on identifying underlying problems rather than simply masking symptoms with medication. When we pinpoint these underlying causes, we create personalized care plans that tackle specific dysfunctions, leading to more effective outcomes. We diagnose and care for women experiencing pain, discomfort, or bodily dysfunction due to one or more of the following underlying causes:


We correct hormonal imbalances by analyzing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels. Our treatments alleviate symptoms such as mood swings and weight fluctuations, fostering improved emotional health and stability- without the use of hormone replacement therapy.

Thyroid Function

Our thyroid treatments restore metabolism regulation and help boost energy. We also alleviate fatigue, weight changes, mood swings, and hair loss.

Adrenal Health

We enhance adrenal gland function to improve stress responses, boosting your body's ability to respond to stress and regular blood pressure. This minimizes health issues caused by stress.

Metabolism Improvement

We provide treatments to help the body process and convert energy better. This helps patients better regulate their weight and hormones and increases energy levels.


Many women experience digestive issues due to hormone and stress levels. Our nutrition and lifestyle advice aids in reducing bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Toxicity levels

By detoxing the body, we better prepare for healthy conception and hormone function


We Provide Comprehensive Women’s Health Services

Our clinic stands apart from traditional medicine by providing holistic care for women’s bodies and minds. Most traditional medicine relies solely on medications and surgeries to reduce or alleviate symptoms. While these treatments can be effective and beneficial, they do not typically address the root causes of conditions. Our natural and science-based approach addresses women’s mental, physical, and physiological health. We develop solutions for underlying problems that often go unevaluated. Your provider will partner with you to formulate a customized, long-lasting plan to reduce and reverse your chronic conditions, pain, and suffering. Learn more about our innovative approach and how it can help you live your fullest life. Here are some of the solutions we offer to help address common female health issues:

Autoimmune Disorders

Our approach to treating autoimmune disorders involves exploring the underlying triggers. We’ll work with you to create a plan to restore your immune system to balance.

Weight Loss

We offer a different path toward weight loss. Our plan utilizes a personalized weight management strategy to help you reach your weight loss goal.


Our team offers holistic and functional treatments that address the condition's root cause. Each treatment plan is tailored to fit your unique needs and lifestyle.


We aim to offer you a new, natural way to think about fertility treatment. You can rely on us for a wide range of effective treatments to address your infertility.

Female Health

Contact Us to Enhance Your Health

You deserve to live the healthiest and most enriching life possible. Poor sleep, decreased energy levels, and diminished satisfaction can significantly and negatively impact your ability to function and enjoy your daily routine. Our doctors have helped countless patients turn their health around, fostering drastic changes in their lifestyles, vitality, and happiness. Schedule a consultation to talk with one of our providers and discover what’s possible. We will discuss your medical history and background, any prescriptions or supplements you’re taking, and medical conditions. This will enable us to devise and implement a health and wellness plan to achieve your goals.

Look Better.  Feel Better.  Function Better.