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Get Comprehensive Type 2 Diabetes Care

in Southern California

Are you feeling the drain of diabetes? Do rising blood sugar levels, medication reliance and frustrating symptoms have you feeling defeated? It’s time to break free from the cycle of drug after drug, and discover a revolutionary approach to managing diabetes. Introducing Advanced Functional Medicine, your San Diego-based solution for personalized, sustainable diabetes treatment that can reverse and even eliminate type 2 diabetes altogether.


Understanding Type 2 Diabetes – The Silent Killer

Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of this disease, is your body’s way of saying it’s struggling to manage blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is the fuel that keeps you going, but in excess, it can be harmful. It is the leading cause of heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, amputations, blindness, and dialysis from renal failure. Insulin, a hormone, helps usher glucose into your cells for energy. In Type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin (insulin resistance), it is NOT a pancreas issue (type 1 diabetes). Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include increased thirst and appetite, unintended weight gain, fatigue, frequent urination, slow-healing wounds, high cholesterol, fatty liver, blurred vision, neuropathy, and cognitive decline. The exact causes of Type 2 diabetes are multifaceted, which functional medicine uncovers and develops a solution to.


Warning Signs: Could It Be Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes can be sneaky. Sometimes symptoms are so subtle it goes undiagnosed for years. Keep an eye out for these potential red flags, especially if you have risk factors like family history or being overweight:

Unquenchable Thirst

Feeling like you can't drink enough?

Frequent Bathroom Breaks

Are bathroom visits dominating your day (and night)?

Unexplained Weight Fluctuations

Gaining or losing weight without a clear reason.

Exhaustion That Won't Quit

Tired for no apparent reason?


Strange sensations in your hands and feet.

Slow-Healing Wounds

Cuts and sores taking extra time to mend.

Brain Fog

Memory problems, difficulty concentrating.


Reverse Type 2 Diabetes at Advanced Functional Medicine

At Advanced Functional Medicine, located in the heart of San Diego and serving the surrounding areas, we offer holistic and functional medicine type 2 diabetes treatments that address the root causes of the condition rather than just the symptoms. Our specialized diabetes treatment programs aim to correct imbalances in blood sugar and insulin levels while improving your overall health and well-being.

Diabetes Specialist Consultation

Our team of highly experienced diabetes specialists will assess your unique needs by reviewing your medical history, lifestyle, and weight loss goals. This comprehensive assessment allows us to develop a personalized treatment strategy tailored to your condition and preferences.

Lab-Driven Analysis

We employ advanced lab tests to identify any underlying metabolic or hormonal imbalances. Our comprehensive blood work, hormone level testing, and nutritional deficiencies evaluation help us determine the best course of action for your treatment.

Functional Medicine for Diabetes Treatment

Traditional diabetes management often focuses on medications and insulin injections. But what if you could tackle the very root cause of your diabetes? That's the power of functional medicine! Unlike traditional approaches that focus merely on symptoms, functional medicine digs deep to uncover the underlying imbalances contributing to your diabetes and develops a plan to correct them.

Personalized Weight Management Strategies

At Advanced Functional Medicine, our expert team customizes treatment plans based on your unique needs. It’s about more than just your blood sugar, it’s about your whole health picture. Based on your lab results and personal profile, we create a customized weight management plan that encompasses:

Nutrition Counseling

Tailored meal plans focused on balancing blood sugar and addressing specific nutritional needs.

Exercise Programs

Fitness routines designed for your fitness level and lifestyle.

Behavioral Therapy

Counseling to address emotional and psychological aspects of weight management.


Natural supplements that help correct deficiencies and support metabolism.

Root-Cause Resolution

We address the core issues driving your diabetes, be it inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, or hormone imbalances.

Lifestyle Support:

Get empowered with proven strategies for exercise, stress management, and sleep – all critical factors for diabetes control.


Diabetes Treatment Center in San Diego & Surrounding Areas

At Advanced Functional Medicine, our diabetes treatment is led by experienced specialists who provide innovative type 2 diabetes care throughout Southern California. We conduct comprehensive testing and assessment to uncover the root causes by analyzing your metabolic health, hormonal balance, and lifestyle factors. Our personalized treatment plans are tailored to fit your unique needs, goals, and lifestyle, ensuring a holistic approach that addresses diet, exercise, stress, and medication for comprehensive care. With regular check-ins and progress tracking, we provide ongoing support and accountability to keep you on the path to better health.

Happy Family

Get Started Today

Don’t let type 2 diabetes control your life. Take the first step toward a healthier future today. Schedule a consultation with our diabetes specialists at Advanced Functional Medicine and discover how our personalized approach can help you overcome diabetes.

Look Better.  Feel Better.  Function Better.