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Functional Autoimmune Treatments in Southern California

Advanced Functional Medicine offers patients opportunities to improve their lives and happiness while managing an immune or autoimmune condition. Our specialist provides alternative and functional autoimmune treatments in Southern California for patients who want a new kind of care. Immune and autoimmune disorder severity and intensity vary greatly from patient to patient. We develop and implement personalized treatment plans to address the unique individual and the underlying causes of their condition. Whether you want to advance your care beyond or supplement your traditional medicine, we’ll customize solutions that are right for you and that work.

Healthy, Safe, Natural Autoimmune Care

Autoimmune condition diagnoses have increased significantly. Its often difficult for patients to comprehend their disease or disorder, especially if it developed later in life or if they’ve lived a generally healthy lifestyle. Your immune system is meant to protect you, so you may have questions about how it can negatively affect your health. Immune and Autoimmune disorders include but are not limited to the following, all of which our specialists treat:

  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Celiac Disease
  • Hashimoto’s Disease and thyroid gland disorders

Alternative Autoimmune Treatment Types and Benefits

Immune and Autoimmune disorders usually have multiple causes and contributing factors. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for patients. Our specialists offer safe, strategic alternatives to alleviating and healing dysfunctional immune systems, focused directly on the root causes. Patients who choose our innovative care receive the following:

  • Treatments for leaky gut and intestinal dysfunction
  • Enhanced natural detoxification
  • Reduced risks and harm caused by chronic infections
  • Relieved pain and discomfort caused by food insensitivities
  • Treating and helping patients practice healthy stress management

Natural Solutions in Your Time of Need

An immune or autoimmune disease can be physically, mentally, and emotionally painful for the patient, but our alternative treatments make managing them much easier. Advanced Functional Medicine’s care can be used independently or with traditional medications and treatment methods. Our trained doctors and healthcare specialists will work with you to devise suitable treatments. We’ll continuously monitor your progress and improvements, altering and customizing your plan so you can live happier, healthier, and pain-free.

Look Better.  Feel Better.  Function Better.